P/E: 9.38x 30.21
ROA: 7.62 4.9 (%)
ROE: 18.68 8.92 (%)
DivY: 5.43 5.16 (%)
PR: 50.13 153.53 (%)
AD: 1.70 1.93*
5yr Div G rate: 5.46 3.76 [Compounded]
Debt/Equity: .58x 1.57
Debt/Assets: .24x .27
* - Vodafone owns a 45% stake in Verizon wireless and will begin collecting dividends in the year 2012 (assuming the world doesn’t end). They are expecting around a 5.5 billion dollar dividend that year taking 45% of Verizons assumed 12 billion dollar revenue. With a payout ratio of already over 150% I feel this could leave Verizon struggling to find good numbers and cause a cut in their dividend. So while their annualized dividend is currently larger, I feel that the Vodafone dividend combined with their already very high payout ratio will hit Verizon hard somewhere in 2012 or shortly after.
As you can see, AT&T beats VZ in every category except annualized dividend and their growth rate combined with Verizon's Vodafone dividend, I believe it wont be long until they take over that category as well.
- I am Long In T